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Suggestions in Santiago de Compostela

SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA: The city and its gastronomy

On this page you will find the best recommendations in Santiago de Compostela, according to our own experience. These places are well known and frequented by the Compostelanos themselves to have a drink, dinner, meet friends…

This compilation is based only on our opinion and includes the places that we consider are most special in Santiago de Compostela.

We do not receive commissions or any kind of benefit with these suggestions. Our only goal is to make you the best recommendations in each category and make your stay as pleasant as possible

CHEGAR E ENCHER (Arrive and fill up)

This typical Galician phrase perfectly defines the gastronomic spirit of all Galicia. You can not understand our culture without considering the gastronomic part.

Degustación de quesos gallegos en Santiago de Compostela | We Galicia
In this map we have summarized the best places to continue enjoying the city.
Restaurantes | Walkin Eatin Galicia


Bares y tapas | Walkin Eatin Galicia

Bars and tapas

Desayunos y meriendas | Walkin Eatin Galicia

Breakfasts and snacks

Salir de copas | Walkin Eatin Galicia

Drinks and nightlife

Tiendas y souvenirs | Walkin Eatin Galicia


Museos y monumentos | Walkin Eatin Galicia

Museums and other monuments

Santiago de Compostela turismo | We Galicia

We will answer all questions about Santiago de Compostela!